Royal Air Forces Association Belgian Branch


Text below is drawn from the RAFA Administrative Handbook  Addition guidance provided in the European Area Regulations

Subject to the approval of the Association in Conference the Council may establish such number of Areas as it thinks fit and may vary or dissolve any Areas so established. Where Areas have been established in any particular country or territory every Branch in that country or territory shall be allocated to such Area therein as the Council shall determine. Within the boundaries of the particular Area, the Council of the Area shall exercise such powers over its Branches as the Council shall delegate to it. 

The United Kingdom is divided into the following four Areas:  Northern;  South East & Eastern;  Wales, Midland & South Western;  and Scotland & Northern Ireland.   Overseas Branches are formed into three groups for administrative purposes:  the European Area, comprising all the European Branches, which has an Area Council and is represented on the Council of the Association;  the South African Area which has its own Area Council and looks after all Branches in that country;  other Overseas Branches which are classified as "Independent Overseas Branches". 

Except as provided in these Rules, the Central Council shall exercise its jurisdiction over Branches and be approached by Branches through the appropriate Area Council, but in exceptional cases, the necessity of which the Council shall be the sole judge, the Council may deal directly with any Branch of the Association. 


The functions of an Area Council shall be to: 

(a) consider the affairs of the Association dealt with by the Council as recorded in the Minutes of its meetings; 

(b) control, supervise, assist and advise Branches within the Area; 

(c) recruit new members and assist in the formation of new Branches within the Area; 

(d) investigate and when necessary report to the Council on the affairs of any Branch, including in particular the financial affairs of a Branch, and any case where in its opinion a Branch should be closed; 

(e) secure effective liaison with other ex-Service organisations and with Royal Air Force formations in the Area; 

(f) consider and take action on any matter referred to it by the Council and make representations to the Council on any matter concerning the welfare of the Association; 

(g) consider any recommendations submitted to it by a Branch or Regional Committee, and take appropriate action thereon.